The Chemistry of Cheese

The Chemist says CHeeeeeeseeeee… It’s a fun-fact Friday as we celebrate the 29th day of…

The Chemist says CHeeeeeeseeeee…🧀📷😬

It’s a fun-fact Friday 🤔💭💡as we celebrate the 29th day of July as National Lasagna Day. 🤤

Let’s focus on the cheesiest role of mozzarella in lasagna; and join us to discover how long we can go as we stretch our minds and savor the flavor of the chemistry behind the stretchability of mozzarella cheese.

Enjoy as we serve you, The Chemist Trivia!


Gonçalves, M. C., & Cardarelli, H. R. (2021). Mozzarella Cheese Stretching: A Minireview. Food technology and biotechnology, 59(1), 82–91.

Science Buddies Staff. (2020, November 6). How Far Can You Stretcha the Mozzarella: The Science of Making Cheese! Retrieved from…/how-far-can-you…



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